From Sleepless Nights to Prayer Filled Mornings

As some of you may know Emma no longer sleeps through the night.  Since we have temporarily moved back to the states, Emma’s sleep pattern has been out of sorts.  We have linked her lack of sleep to multiple things such as:
1. She is in a new environment and needs to adjust.
2. She needs to sleep in a different room.
3. We need to keep a constant bedtime routine.
4. She is having trouble breathing through her nose.
5. She is teething.
6. She is hungry.

For each one of the things listed above we have a solution for:
1. I think she has had time to adjust at this point.
2. We have placed her in a separate room to sleep.
3. We have tried to the best of our ability to keep her bedtime routine as constant as possible.
4. We were referred to a ENT Specialist and found out her adenoids are swollen, so we currently have her on medication to help shrink them. (she can breathe better).
5. We give her medicine to help with teething pain and/or Oragel.
6. I feed her.

And still she is awake throughout the night, so I walk her around and try to get her to go back to sleep and I pray “God why is she not sleeping?”  Here I am trying all these things to help her sleep and she continues to wake up.  God didn’t answer me on that question, but he did help me to think maybe there is a reason  I am up at this hour.  Now whenever Emma wakes up and can’t go back to sleep I will pray.  (I don’t know about yall but that is not my first reaction when I am awoken from a good REM sleep.)  I will just pray for whoever God brings to mind, and I’ve got to say it helps me!  It is easier to get up with her and I have more energy during the day.  Only God can do that because anyone who knows me knows sleep is very important to me.

It also helps with my prayer walk. I feel during the day I am more mindful to pray.

I challenge yall to be more mindful and pray.  It doesn’t mean you have to wake up at 3am and pray (unless you feel that is what God is wanting you to do) it could be as simple as praying when you brush your teeth, when you are unloading the dishwasher, when your waiting in line at the store, or whenever.  Make it a priority to  pray.  The results will be life changing.

In Him,

The Agee Family