Coming to America

We have booked our tickets to come to the states in May!!
Notice I didn’t say “coming home”.  Where is our home?  What do we call home?  People say that home is where the heart is.  Well my heart is in 3 different places…
1. Honduras
2. The States
3. Heaven 
As a christian our ultimate home is in Heaven. The Bible warns us not to become too comfortable here on earth. We are to be in the world, not of the world.  There is no promise of a comfortable life. Our lives on earth are but a vapor. Start looking to heaven as your home rather than a place you go when you die.  Lets be homesick for a place we have never been. 

We are all very excited! It has been 5 to 6 months since we have seen family face to face (video calling is a wonderful thing.)  We will love the time that we will get to spend with family and friends. We are also looking forward to sharing our passion with others. Telling others how God is moving here and what is to come in the future.

Ben, Julie, and the girls will be flying in on May 2nd and will be flying out on May 23rd.  Austin and Taylor will be flying in on May 12th and flying out on June 3rd.

We are willing (but not limited to) to speak at Sunday morning services, Sunday night services, Wednesday night service, Youth groups, Small groups, Men’s groups, Women’s groups, and individuals that want to know more. We are prepared to share for anywhere from 10 minutes to your whole service — we are flexible.

Ben and Julie have some availability from May the 4th through May the 18th. 
Austin and Taylor have some availability from May 14th through June 1st.
If you would like to hear about how God is working in Honduras, how you can fill in the gap, or the possibility of a mission trip then get in contact with us.  If you would like for us to share at your church or in any other setting contact us. you can contact us through Facebook, email, or phone.

Phone numbers:
Ben- 904-625-5579
Julie- 912-294-7190
Austin- 912-388-6748
Taylor- 912-388-0498
