A Much Needed Retreat

This weekend was a much needed retreat.  We went to Siguatepeque for a missionary gathering of the Honduran Fellowship for Missionaries and Ministries.

 For those who don’t know, Honduran Fellowship is a ministry that links missionaries all over Honduras together.  This is a wonderful resource to have.  They are here to provide as much help as possible to Honduran missionaries by contributing help with residency (which was an easy, great, and speedy process for us), offering missionaries counseling in a variety of areas, and they help missionaries make connections.   One of the ways we connect is through the Facebook page.  Missionaries can ask questions, share ideas, provide encouragement, and find answers to many questions in the archives.  It allows for seasoned missionaries to share do’s and don’ts with the newbies. 

They also make this weekend retreat available FREE of charge to missionaries in the fellowship.  For us, it came at just the right time.  The retreat gave us the opportunity to spend time with other missionaries, while all the kids were being well taken care of. Volunteers from the states and parts of Honduras came to Siguatipeque to take care of the many babies, preschoolers, elementary aged children and youth.  Hannah and Leighanne were able to hang out all weekend with other MK’s (missionary kids). 

Hannah and Hannah having fun with the Youth group.

The retreat’s theme was Unity. We all share a common goal… to lead people to Christ. All the people here have something else in common… we are all missionaries in Honduras.  When you are new in a 3rd world country, it’s nice to have people to reach out to for support and help. Especially when they have been in your shoes. Unity is an important aspect that we need to have. 

One of the things I was most looking forward to this weekend was worship…to worship in English.  I have really missed being able to sing with the praise team at our church in the states.  That first night of worship was moving.  After we finished we all came out saying how much we missed worshiping and lifting our voice to God as the unified body of Christ.  There is just something spiritual about joining together with other believers and worshiping in your heart language. 

If you look in the top left corner there is a tall blurry man in Navy blue… that is Ben and if you keep going to the left there is a tall blurry man in orange… that is Austin. 

This weekend they offered different workshops that covered many topics which would be helpful for a missionary.  A few were Security, Fundraising, Social Networking, Leadership, Caring for an abused child, Cultural connections, and many more.   We divided and conquered to try and hit as many as possible.  We have learned so many new things and are still processing most of it.  We will be applying the things that we learned to our ministry to better it in the future.

Ben is in the back in the blue with the Auburn hat on listening very intently to advice from other missionaries.
All in all this weekend has been a wonderful one.  We made many connections with missionaries all around Honduras.  It was so great to meet with people that share the same passion with us.  To be able to talk with seasoned missionaries and pick their brains by asking them: How have you stayed here this long? What do you recommend for new comers?  It was encouraging to listen to their experiences, and hear their God stories.
 I would just like to end with this… we serve a wonderful God who does amazing things, and I can’t wait to see how God continues to work and move in Honduras. 
In Him, 

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