My Grace is Sufficient

My name is Teresa
Robertson and I have had the honor of being asked to serve on the Board for New
Beginnings.  I have known Julie since
college and Ben since their marriage and have witnessed God’s leading
throughout their marriage.  I have
watched their hearts grow for the orphans around the world, which has brought
them to this full time mission in Honduras. 
When asked to come on the Board, my husband and I prayed about it for
several days.  We felt that God was
leading us to partner with the Agee family, and when God leads you simply cannot
I have always had a
heart for children and youth.  I went
into education because of a deep love for children.  I taught in a public school setting in a
rural area for several years which allowed me to teach and love and serve
children who needed grace and mercy in their lives.  I was blessed to have my own children and was
called to stay at home with them and given the opportunity to homeschool them.  In their high school years, we were called to
a home school co-op where I taught and am now the headmaster over classes.  I work with the youth group at Trinity
Presbyterian Church just east of Atlanta. 
Recently, I have become part of a volunteer group starting up a Crisis
Pregnancy Resource Center in Newton County. 
God has provided a desire to serve children, youth, and young women in
all areas of my life so when asked to be a part of New Beginnings it just fit
right in with what I believe God calls us to do.  We are called to serve the widows and orphans
and to show them Christ. 
I believe that the
Lord has called Ben & Julie and Austin & Taylor to this ministry and
that He will complete this needed work for His children.  There is already response coming from the
people in Honduras showing the need for the foster children there.  This work will provide Christian homes, both
from the Agee’s and from locals.  One way
or another, these children will be placed in homes—how exciting to know that
Christian homes will be available and that these children will know the love of
Knowing the Agee’s as
I do, I know that they know that this is a work done completely through the
Grace of Christ and not through anything from them.  They rely solely on Him and give Him all the
glory for all the phases of this ministry. 
I am partnering with them because I know that they believe they are not
equipped to do this work without the Grace of God—the work is done by God
alone—they are the vessels willing to obey. 
They will not be able to serve on their own—they need prayer partners,
financial partners, and God’s all sufficient Grace.
“The Greek word order
of 2 Corinthians 12:9 provides us with meaning we don’t want to miss: ‘Sufficient
for you is the grace of me.’
That is an incredible promise! Essentially the
Lord told the apostle Paul, I am the grace. I’m all the grace you need.” James MacDonald
Please share their ministry with others, commit to pray for them
regularly, and if led give financially so that Austin and Taylor (and baby) can
go in August to begin language studies followed by Ben and Julie (and girls) in
January.  The Lord has begun a mighty
work; we invite you to be a vital part of it.

Teresa Robertson